Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Does Your Web Presence Confuse or Convert Followers? 2 Ways to Find Out

The internet brings together millions of facts, points, and people together in less time than it takes to click your mouse! 

With all of the information available between customers and clients while marketing your small business, sometimes it can seem like you are stuck out in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight.

How do you know when your web presence is working?

You might wonder to yourself if your web presence is doing all it can for your business. In fact, your web presence might either be confusing or converting your followers. 

Converting a customer means having them fulfill your desired Call to Action. For example, this could mean that they subscribe to your newsletter or even purchase that car you're selling. 

Rest assured—help is on the way! There are a few ways we can help you measure your web presence. We can do this by setting a few small, defined goals and creating an understanding of your small business’s trends.

When something is measurable, it is instantly more controllable. Enter: Analytics.

We know Analytics. At Ascendants, we are Certified Analytics Experts – and we want to help you with an in-depth understanding of business growth opportunities.

Here are a few fundamental tips to get you started!

Google Analytics is an amazing tool to measure successful practices in real-time. However, the different terms and categories can be confusing.

There are 2 specific terms we pay attention to when focusing on conversions:

1.      Bounce Rate

The bounce rate in Google Analytics, in a nutshell, refers to the rate at which visitors leave your page. It should be that visitors only need one page of information to get what they need from your site and follow through the Call to Action, also known as the persuaded decision (if you have one). That's what you'll get with Ascendants TrueMatchTM.

In other cases, the time before purchase is extended. More time and more research is common in large investments and big purchases such as real estate, automotive, or wedding venue. If this is your specialty, it is good to capture and hold the attention of your website viewer.

When the bounce rate is low for a large-investment product or service, this can be a sign that your web presence is working for you!

2.      Behavior

The Analytics Behavior tab is a direct measure of an action on your website.

Knowing Behavior trends can give your web presence a high Google "Quality Score". A high Quality Score gets preferred placement on the Google Network! 

Thus, look for different trends that show what people actively like on your website. When visitors have positive behaviors--like purchasing your product--your web presence is focused and it is clear what your objective as a small business is. 

However, if you notice some Behavior scores that range below a 3, it is likely that your visitors are confused by your web presence. A confused visitor will not follow-through on calls to action, and will not convert to a happy customer.           

It's important to note if you are seeing an observable change in your business numbers. For example, if your phone is ringing more than it was last month, or your eCommerce site has greater sales volume than it did last year, these are things we want to know.

Ascendants always recommends looking at campaign traffic to measure success. Comparing sales statistics of the present to the past allows you to make preparations and goals for the future.  

With defined goals and an understanding of your small business’s trends, your web presence will help bring followers from confused to converted!

For more tips on web conversions, like our Facebook page or subscribe to our newsletter at For any questions or awesome birthday invitations you have, email me at   

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